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Program Information
TUC Radio
Genetic Engineering's War on Life
Weekly Program
 Maria Gilardin  Contact Contributor
Oct. 18, 2011, 12:31 p.m.
In Part TWO of her speech Vandana Shiva explains how biotechnology creates super weeds, poisons beneficial insects and soil microbes and only brings high yields when fertilizers, pesticides and abundant water are applied. She reports on Monsanto's intrusion into the Indian market by burning heirloom seeds, and locking farmers and seed vendors into exclusive agreements. Monsanto is using the patent rights they received via former Monsanto lawyer Clarence Thomas on the US Supreme Court to collect royalty payments and make it illegal to save and exchange seeds. She calls for the international abolition of GMOs and the removal of patents since seeds are a gift from nature to be shared freely.

Baker Creek Seeds
Vandana Shiva trained in quantum physics and became a seed saver and ecologist in 1982. She and her organization Navdanya have limited the spread of GMOs into India. Her books include Biopiracy, Stolen Harvest, Monocultures of the Mind, and Water Wars. Her many awards include the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "Alternative Nobel Peace Prize." She spoke in September 2011 at the Heirloom Seed Expo organized by Baker Creek Seeds along with many independent seed companies, farmers and schools.

VandanaSeedsTWO Download Program Podcast
00:29:00 1 Sept. 15, 2011
Santa Rosa, CA
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 00:29:00  96Kbps mp3
(20MB) Mono
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