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State Of The City reports
Bush & Blair in jail & learning the lessons of occupy
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 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Feb. 8, 2012, 4:15 p.m.
Taking Occupy forwards: UK Wheres My Acre? campaign
12Feb12 - Tony Gosling
Political movements are far more effective than the City owned political parties, but it does seem we are coming to a moment in the NATO zone where the twin pincers of international loan sharks financial death spiral and soft wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and on and on towards nuclear are turning in on us. After all nowadays the Military Industrial Complex Mafia dont rob banks, they own them. When the Arab League comes up with a report they dont agree with NATO have the power to censor it. And journalists dont have the integrity, spine or the power to tell us.

Report of the Head of the League of Arab States Observer Mission to Syria. December 24, 2011 to January 18, 2012

The two pincers are one. The austerity lie is not only economic illiteracy it is rolling out a red carpet for a new Hitler. They want to steer the auspicious year of 2012 to steal all out hearts and minds in the ensuing crisis.
So the rough numerical equivalence of acres in the United Kingdom with the total population is not just testimony to the unwanted intrusion of the hectare. There is a crying need to wrest all the land back using as a model the traditional forms of pre-enclosure land tenure embodied in Laxton, Nottinghamshire and in the Scottish Crofting movements.
The spearhead of the Occupy Movement has been, for me, the anti-eviction teams that have been of both practical and morale-boosting significance in the cities where they have been employed and will become the enduring message crystallised from countless person-hours of struggle now being taken apart piece, by Parson Platt piece... and of course infiltrated by every creeping agency of spiritual worms and the money power. So occupy camps & associated squats will continue to be fascinating places to play spot the spook.
The Occupy movement was not entirely unexpected but was indeed somewhat predicted in my 2009 editorial, comissioned for The Land magazine and submitted, but sadly never included (copied below).
As the militant secularisation of Britain continues with the outlawing of prayers at Bideford town council this week the question of the Queens legal ownership of all freeholds in UK land In the name of God is again in question.
If she or her successor Prince Charles, who takes delights in being decended from Vlad The Impaler (the inspiration for Bram Stokers Dracula), do not believe in the God of the Bible where does that leave his or her divine right over the earth? It leaves it dead in the water. Which is where Davitts Conradh na Talún, Winstanleys and Ketts de-inclosers come in. Thats us folks.

English Civil War and the Diggers Intuition
The Campfire Revolution
by Tony Gosling - June 2009

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