Weekly Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ramzi Salti, Lecturer at Stanford University, showcasing (alternative) music from the Arab world. The show airs live every Thursday on KZSU 90.1 FM (Stanford University) from 4-6 PM and streams live at http://kzsulive.stanford.edu
Previous Podcasts are available for free downloading at http://author32.blogspot.com/p/all-my-kzsu-podcasts.html
Dr. Salti's 'Arabology' Blog is at http://author32.blogspot.com
Please 'Like' the Arabology Facebook Page by going to this link: www.facebook.com/arabology
To download this Podcast, scroll down to the red arrow on the bottom right of this page then click on it to listen or right-click to download/save to your computer.
The fourth episode of 'Arabology' features my exclusive interview with Jordanian-American Ebtisam (Sam) Abbasi Najork who talks about Jordanian cuisine, Arabic music and her involvement with the Global Fund for Women. The show also features songs by Charbel Rouhana, Tania Saleh, Nancy Ajram, Suhail Khoury, May Nasr, Toufic Farroukh, Rim Banna, Toot Ard and others.
Complete Playlist available at http://zookeeper.stanford.edu/index.php?action=viewDJ&seq=selList&playlist=22775