News review with former Conservative Minister in the 1990s Major government Neil Hamilton (UKIP). Bank of Englands King Mervyn announces £50bn new Quantitive Easing but is QE3 an injection of yet more economic poison robbing private pensions? Prime Minister David Cameron fails to answer questions from Labour leader Ed Miliband as they argue over the NHS at Prime Ministers Questions. Common Market and powers transferred to European Union and Brussels. Neil Hamiltons two big libel actions 1. vs. BBC Panorama Maggies Militant Tendency episode (1984) and 2. vs. The Guardians Cash For Questions story (1996). Will the Health and Social Care bill proviso for Any Willing Provider lead to privatisation of the NHS? Is there anything that should not be privatised? Should we be cutting police, armed forces and public spending generally. Are banks or government responsible for financial crisis? Welsh assembly discusses banning smoking in cars when children are exposed to passive smoking. Secular society takes Bideford town council to court and local authorities prohibited by law from saying prayers.