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Program Information
BCFM Drivetime
Questioning masonic oaths and whether they are compatible with public office
Weekly Program
Jack Lopresti MP, Anne Lemon, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 13, 2012, 1:59 p.m.
Are Conservatives still the party of business aspiration? Will Britain be insulated from the Eurozone crsis? Prime Minister Cameron promised no top down reorganisation of the NHS before the election but it is now happening. Jack Lopresti MP confirms he is a freemason but is freemasonry a secret Society or not? Mason Jack promises Tony a tour of Bristol freemasons Hall and a copy of the Bristol masonic year book. But fails to deliver either. Questioning masonic oaths and whether they are compatible with public office. BAe Systems plans to close Filton airfield and build housing over it plus some new jobs in Jacks Filton and Bradley Stoke constituency. Will big engineering firms such as GKN, Rolls Royce & Airbus be forced to close or move away when the runway closes? Derivatives market is a house of cards, with possibly a financial crash in the months to come. Evening Post bombshell, around 20 jobs to go as well as Saturday edition and Venue print edition. Bristol Evening Post to change its name to The Post. Mays Bristol mayoral referendum hustings held today on College Green. People of Bradford wanted a big hitter batting for them, discussing the political fallout of George Galloway win for Respect in Bradford West. George described as a rock star. Teacher Anne Lemon from Clevedon School reports back from the annual NUT conference held this year in Torquay. Teachers are nervous about big business buying up our education system through Academy Schools which the local authorities do not control. Private schools now getting state Academy funding and wealthy parents dont have to pay the school fees. Prime Minister David Cameron takes a trip to the Far East, including Indonesia, with British businessmen but who are the arms firms selling arms to? Should we have private arms firms who make money out of selling weapons and starting wars? Disgraced Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates is now helping dictators put down demonstrations in Bahrain. 90,000 children now in care and annual number being taken into care tops 10,000. 50% of prostitutes, 80% of Big Issue sellers, 50% of those in Young Offenders institutions and 26% of adults in prison have been through the state care system. Plymouth resident and former nurse Melissa Franklin who is about to give birth tells her story of being harassed by social services in Bristol. Bristol is bottom of the list for Queens Diamond Jubilee party applications by Evening Post reports that we are in the party spirit. BBCs Paul Mason discusses the media pyramid and how social media such as Twitter and Facebook has changed things. News review with MP for Filton & Bradley Stoke Jack Lopresti.

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