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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Bedroom Tax and Housing Benefit Cuts
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
May 11, 2012, 1:56 p.m.
Latest book on the death of Princess Diana “Diana Inquest: Who Killed Princess Diana? by John Morgan” describes something called the Way Ahead Group (WAG) chaired by The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh may have ordered that Diana be assassinated on Wednesday 23rd July 1997 because William and Harry were about to go on an extended Holiday with Dodi Al Fayed. US Army running ’Islam is the Enemy’ ’Holy War’ course for their senior officers which includes nuclear attacks on Mecca and other Islamic holy cities. Enhanced Underpants bomb reappears entrapment of patsies by the FBI. The real terrorists are inside the power structure. Alison Caldwell from Australian broadcaster ABC interviews David Nevin, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s lawyer, who says he cannot have a conversation with his client. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed allegedly ‘confessed’ to carrying out the 9/11 attacks after being waterboarded 183 times. Two massive bombs target Syrian government security police targets but were they carried out by private military companies such as Blackwater, now renamed as “XE Services”. The Bilderberg Must Die For The World To Live, NATO zone royalty, bankers, media, biggest corporations and government finance people’s secret meeting takes place in three weeks in Virginia, USA next door to the National Reconnaisance Office (NRA) and down the road from the CIA. Occupy Bilderberg protest movement has already begun. Former US Secretary of State under Republican President Richard Nixon Henry Kissinger has a track record as one of the world’s worst ever war criminals and he is a key organiser of the Bilderberg Conferences.
Universal Credits, the new Bedroom Tax and the Benefit Cap. Changes to the Housing Benefit system with Will Stone from Bristol & Avon Law Centre. Benefit cap of £500 for couples and £350 for single people. Bristol City Council calculate that 500 families in the poorest parts of Bristol will be losing nearly £100 a week and may have to move into cheaper accommodation, be evicted or be forced to take a low-paid job. Employment and Support Allowance being re-assessed by private companies – appeals sytem in crisis but nearly 50% of appeals are being sucessful. Is this all a symptom of the de-industrialisation of Britain. Anna Bennet from solicitors Devonshires explains that bad debt levels for landlords are likely to double when the new Universal Credit comes in. Demonstration projects being run around the country to see if vulnerable people really can manage their finances effectively. 6,500 private tenants in Bristol face cuts of £15-25 a week in their housing benefit forcing many to be made homeless. ‘Poverty Hearing’ next Friday at 7:30pm by ‘Bristol Poverty Action’ at Bristol Council House next Friday. Contact your local advice centre or Avon & Bristol Law Centre at the bottom of Stokes Croft 0117 924 8662.
Travellers’ rights with Sean from Montpelier who does not like to live in a house. Sean was living in a coach in the 1980s which gave him a much greater sense of freedom. The world opened up for him and he could wake up in the morning and move on whenever he felt like it. Travelled in groups of 6-12 vehicles or in 2′s & 3′s whatever was convenient. 1980s crackdown on the gypsy or traveller lifestyle. New Age Travellers, Hippy Travellers or just plain Travellers? Convoys of 50-100 vehicles travelling at the same time. Sean changed a one ton coach engine in a field. Conservative Thatcher government of the 1980s were afraid of the young people embracing a cuture of freedom, not being tied to a job or tied to an address.
Mormon Bishop Webb of Bristol explains Mormonism in the run-up to the US presidential election and prospective Mormon Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

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