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Program Information
This Way Out
The Int'l Gay & Lesbian Radio Magazine for June 4, 2012
Weekly Program
Australian Finance Minister Penny Wong and shadow treasurer Joe Hockey; theater director Randy Reyes and actor Alex Galick; queer youth panelists Jason Jackson, Gilbert Achay, Maria Kamenska, and Xay Yang; filmmaker Patrick Wang.
 Lucia Chappelle  Contact Contributor
June 4, 2012, 6:53 p.m.
An indy sleeper shows how bias becomes a beast "In The Family"; the Finance Minister's zinger scores for Aussie marriage equality; a play about queer youth of color sparks a conversation about what can be done until "It Gets Better"; Christian thugs thrash Russian rights demonstrators, a U.S. federal appeals court rules that "DOMA" should be dumped, Laa Laa discusses Tinky Winky's blanky blanky, and more LGBT news from around the world.
Hosted by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle. "NewsWrap" reporters: Wenzel Jones and Jenn Mahoney; producer: Steve Pride. Correspondents: Dixie Treichel and Steve Pride. Additional content: Greg Louganis. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: George Michael.
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HELP?: Thank you for your station's annual "voluntary program acquisition payment" to keep "This Way Out" on the air. If you've yet to contribute, please do your part, even if it's "small", because every donation helps! =or= POB 38327, Los Angeles, CA 90038.

"This Way Out", a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit under the corporate name of Overnight Productions (Inc.), is distributed free of charge to more than 200 community radio stations around the world. You may broadcast the show as a whole or use the news and feature segments separately - with credit! Our operating expenses are funded in part by a grant from the Yavanna Foundation, through voluntary program acquisition payments by our affiliate stations, and by direct charitable donations from our listeners. For more information, email or write to PO Box 38327, Los Angeles, CA 90038-0327, USA.

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00:28:57 1 June 4, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
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