news review with former mayoral candidate and both Labour and Tory Avon County Councillor. EXCLUSIVE Airbus magazine airbrushes Filton site from in-house production map. Tim Collins, former mayoral candidate. Discussion about the December 2012 closure of Filton airfield and the Airbus One in house magazine which excludes Filton in their illustration of production plants. Tory buildin co. boss Cullum McAlpine has been blacklisting builders who report health and safety concerns but doesnt think hes done anything wrong, somehow. The Consulting Association (TCA), chaired by Cullum McAlpine. TCA boss Ian Kerr died just before Christmas 2012, here he is, 2 weeks before he died, in front of the Scottish Affairs Select Committee. He appears to have got hold of copies of police files or had them compiled on workers compare with CAPRIM (1990s) and the Economic League (1970s-1980s); employment rises but is it only part-time work as wages stagnate - people on benefit work programmes included as employed; crime figures - fiddling figures by lowering priority of some crimes; Mayor George Fergusons new cabinet; but the Greens ask Where is the new blood? David Camerons Europe speech; Yeovil man dies after nurses gave him 21 x dose of his medication but family let down because nurses are unlikely to be prosecuted; PMQs on question about being forced to live on £2 a day.