A round up of the weeks international news with Martin Summers. a court case about 9/11 is coming in Horsham, Sussex on Monday 25th February where Anthony Rooke of Christians for 9/11 Truth is suing the BBC for aiding and abetting terrorism under Section 15 Article 3 of the Terrorism Act 2000; North Korea conducts underground nuclear test this week so where did they get their nuclear weapons? Could it be lost plutonium or enriched uranium or even complete warheads from Russia or the NATO countries? Martin explains that the Conservative party could be involved in a secret fundraising deal to illegally sell nuclear weapons back in the early 1990s and reminds us that Central TV investigative journalist Roger Cook was offered former Soviet SS20 warheads on the black market. Syrian rebels may now be training to attack Britain says Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague but Martin Summers is doubtful and asks why would they? Severe water shortage brewing in the middle east according to US satellite surveys by NASA. Will Stone from Avon and Bristol Law Centre about a disabled client of his Dan Glue who was bullied by French company employed by the Department of Work and Pensions ATOS, who were paid £112.4m of public money to carry out 738,000 assessments in the last two years. The bedroom tax will lead to evictions as people are unable to pay their rent, Will advises them to come to Avon & Bristol or another law centre as they may be able to stop evictions. Stupidity of evicting people from a cheap two bedroom home into a non-existent one-bedroom home that may not exist and be more expensive. Zaki Dogliani, a student deputy editor news section of the student magazine Epigram, discusses the magazine and some stories he has recently covered including the marketisation of the University. Miko Peled, who wrote the book A Generals Son, explodes myths of the state of Israel including fake Biblical excuses for building illegal settlements and double standards over the right to return. Interview with Steve Jolly from www.no-cctv.org.uk about new principle of "surveillance by consent" that the recently published "Surveillance Cameras Code of Practice" now up for consultation. New Argus drone which has an ultra-high resolution camera for putting entire domestic cities under permanent surveillance. BBC on strike on monday over compulsory redundancies as these are unnecessary and used by management to sack people for political reasons.