(SOAPBOX #67) - Cindy welcomes Tommy Chong to chat with him about legalization/decriminalization of marijuana, and the use of hemp for plastics and fuel. Tommy Chong is a marijuana activist, and a supporter of marijuana legalization and medical use of marijuana. (Only I really must apologize for something here, boyz and grrls: This episode's name is a blatant rip-off of Jane Hamsher's most outstanding and desperately needed Marijuana Legalization campaign.) We also speak with a San Francisco pot activist, Mesha Monge-Irizarry, who will talk about these issues from a local standpoint. Former Soapbox guest Ralph Lopez offers his EXPLOSIVE observations: He notes that the Wikileaks soldier who found the rocket launcher at the scene (last week's guest, Ethan McCord) says "No Attack Was Imminent." McCord discussed these observations in last week's interview. The massacre video showed 12 men, including two Reuters newsmen, standing on a street corner before being fired upon with the Apache's 30mm cannon, resulting in what appears to be unprovoked murder. The video caused an international outcry after it was leaked to the media by the government watchdog Wikileaks. The presence of the rocket launcher that McCord found was seized upon by defenders of the attack as proof that the attack was justified, and offered as evidence of an impending ambush. There's only one problem: Ethan McCord says "It ain't so!" Click here to read Ralph's article and listen to the interview. Today's discussion asks "Why is our nation jumping so rabidly on the Save Drug Cartel Profits bandwagon?" I mean, come on. Haven't we already tried prohibition, back in the 1920s & 1930s? Do we really need to guarantee the continuance of drug related carnage, exactly as bootlegging profits fed Prohibition carnage back then? It looks like we will need to use the power of NO to stop rewarding drug cartels with Marijuana profits and generate some desperately needed State revenue.
Cindy Sheehan, Host Scott Cutty, Engineer Rich Bowser, Web Master Mikey, Engineer