Cindy hosts Ralph Poynter, husband of Lynne Stewart, telling us Lynne's story: Lynne found the truth: Told the truth: Learned too many of the powerful - hated the truth. Eventually she was convicted of supplying her blind Egyptian cleric client (Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman) TO THE TERRORISTS - by virtue of having defended him. Which, of course, she was legally obligated to do. They also found her guilty of "conspiring to kill American Citizens overseas" - avoiding pesky embarrassing questions like asking which American citizens (i.e., who?) Without raising questions like what did she plan to do to them?" Without specifying "when did she originate this unspecific - but still nefarious (huh?) plan." Finally, the prosecutors skipped questions of the form "overseas, where?" So let's see: She's guilty of a crime. We don't know what the planned crime was. We don't know who the targeted victims were. We don't know when did she "conspire." We don't even know where this conspiracy was planned. WE KNOW NOTHING. Having said that, I can but recommend: listen in as Ralph rips into this "school of thought" - and tears them some brand new anal orifices! How 'bout some Mother's Day cards and letters for Lynne, boyz and grrls? She has risked so much for all of us. Life in lockup is very hard on dissidents. To at least some degree her life in lockup depends om how many people respect & support her through snail-mail and post cards. Her mailing address is LYNNE STEWART; 53504-054; FMC CARSWELL; FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTER; P.O. BOX 27137; FORT WORTH, TX 76127. The more public support she has, then the less official harassment she must face.
Cindy Sheehan, Host Scott Cutty, Engineer Rich Bowser, Web Master Mikey, Engineer