Welcome to the HOT ZONE! Anthrax, AIDS, Ebola Zaire...if it can kill your ass, I'm sure I'll find it here at the Lymph Node Institute!
Get suited up and be sure you follow all the anti-contamination HazMat protocols, because tonight we're going to be wading up to our eyeballs in killer microorganisms! Hell, it might be a good idea to coat yourself in Bag Balm before sliding into your moonsuit. Because yes, it's a special crossover episode of "BOB"'s SLACKTIME FUNHOUSE! Through the scurrilous magic of Recombinant Comedyâ¢, I team up with the less-than-willing Doktors of the Lymph Node Institute in a race against a pandemic that's wiping out all life on earth...but wait--! Is it possible that Doc Ellis and Doktor Bugbladder are actually the source of the deadly virus? Or is it merely a coincidence that the Institute is full hundreds of psychotic, infected lab monkeys?
And yes, there are NO musical numbers by Anthrax in it.