September 4, 2011 (SOAPBOX #107) - Cindy welcomes good friend of peace and of Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox, the notable woman of conscience, Ann Wright. Ms. Wright won't steer you wrong! On this show she will talk about the recent Gaza Freedom Flotilla which she was a leader on the American boat and her recent trip to Jeju Island in South Korea where the Korean occupants are making a courageous stand against a US Naval base being built there. The American Empire doesn't even pay attention to the 82% of its citizens who want to preserve our safety net in the face of an artificial "deficit" crisis necessitating "austerity" - so why would they care what the occupants of Jeju island want? They're not even Americans, after all. Please listen to her current assessment.
Cindy Sheehan, Host Scott Cutty, Engineer Rich Bowser, Web Master Mikey, Engineer