March 11, 2012 (SOAPBOX #124) - Cindy was in Ireland, invited there by the Irish Committee to Free the (Cuban) 5. She welcomes our wonderful guest-host, Cynthia McKinney. Cynthia is a long-time and dear Soapbox friend (and a Soapbox hero), who presents Presidential Candidate of the Justice Party (a NEW 3rd party!) Rocky Anderson. Rocky was formerly the mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah between 2000 and 2008. A serious peace activist and opponent of the invasion and occupation of Iraq and their related human rights abuses, our very own and well-beloved peacemom has a great respect for him. (So does Cynthia.) Rocky presents his informed and intelligent analysis of our nation's swift erosion of all our proud legacy of proud support for American Constitutional rights during our persistent post 9-11 slide towards even the worst behaviors by totalitarian states in the past.