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Program Information
BCFM Drivetime
Terrorist bombings in Volgagrad, Russia near Sochi winter Olympics - false flag?
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 3, 2014, 3:06 p.m.
First hour: Review of the weeks news with Martin Summers. Two terrorist bombings in Volgagrad (used to be called Stalingrad), Russia near Sochi winter Olympics - false flag? Litvinenko, FSB , Prince Banda of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Doku Umarov; Knighthood for Paul Tucker, former deputy head of Bank of England - how BoE works, how printing money or Quantitative Easing artificially inflates asset prices and causes a bubble, and creates a fake economic recovery; former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown says we may be due another financial crash; clip of Mike Maloney describing the origins of money around 650 BC, Gold Silver and Electrum coins minted then still retain their value today, from his documentary The Hidden Secrets of Money - does money really represent anything or is it just a bit of paper? The gold standard, 1944 Bretton Woods conference during World War Two, British Economist John Maynard Keynes proposed adoption of the Bancor as an international currency was discarded and the Dollar was made the reserve currency based on oil. How economic crises aid the rise of dictators (e.g. in 1925 and 1930 aiding Hitler); 2014s local and European elections; 2013 Ghouta, nr Damascus, Sarin attack in Syria conducted by Western Intelligence Services? Was it a simple false flag attack with a major media element to shock NATO public and politicians into war? A rare glimpse inside Americas deadly fraternities - the Sigma, Alpha, Epsilon fraternity of Salisbury University, Maryland - like being tortured in Guantanamo Bay - these frats guarantee students a nice easy career in Wall Street. Comparable to the initiation of freemasonry. 60 odd people have died in these hazing initiations in recent years. Cameron ahead in polls - Murdoch media, Martin still believes there will be a financial crash.

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