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Program Information
BCFM Drivetime
Police corruption and Mark Duggan's inquest
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 10, 2014, 3:13 p.m.
First Hour: News review with Rob Telford, Green councillor for Ashley ward. Council meetings, Mayor Fergusons £90m budget cuts over three years, £7m found so less cuts needed, now £83m. St. Pauls Learning Centre, Lynton Crosby, political party donors, and the media, included in introduction discussion. Mark Duggans inquest, death of Ian Tomlinson and corrupt police never being brought to justice; police cuts and some having to go by bus; If the police are waiting at the bus stop, having arrested someone, should they go upstairs, should they go downstairs or should they not arrest at all? £1.8bn cuts to social care - is care not valued in society? Lack of social care beds exacerbating crisis overloading A&E departments; Mayor George Ferguson and the Bristol budget consultation period; cuts to the Environment Agency, the floods, energy companies and electricity failures over Christmas; four American states have water which has been polluted from fracking, which pumps heavy metals and poisonous chemicals deep into the earth to extract shale oil and gas - desperate 1944 Nazi fracking in Hechingen, Germany at the end of the Second World War when Hitler was desperate for oil; Prisoners lawyer Iqbal Singh Kang, a lawyer with Gurney Harden Solicitors, explains riots in the private G4S run Oakwood Titan jail near Birmingham where many prisoners local to Bristol have been transferred, meaning long journeys for local families of loved ones in jail.
'In the third week of November 1944 reconnaissance showed that several sites of feverish activity had suddenly appeared near Hechingen. We could not at first make sense of them, but such activity in any event needed to be taken seriously, and the proximity to Hechingen made us wonder whether we had at last found evidence of a frantic effort by the Germans to make a last minute attempt at a nuclear bomb. I showed the photographs to F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell, on 23rd November, who immediately warned Winston Churchill, and plans were made for further reconnaissance, and for bombing. I began to feel that nuclear intelligence had really 'taken off'. Within a few days though, the scare was dispelled. Wing Commander Douglas Kendall had spotted that all the sites were in the same string of valleys, and were on much the same level. After a visit to the Geological Museum in South Kensington, he found that a German geologist had reported low-grade oil shales in the area, and it turned out that all the Germans were doing now that their oil installations were being heavily attacked, was to try to exploit this unpromising source of supply.
'Most Secret War, Chapter 48, Nuclear Energy; p. 601, British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945 by R. V. Jones
Hamish Hamilton 1978, Coronet 1979, ISBN 0 340 24169 1
Made into a BBC Series 'The Secret War '

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