David Heap can't hear the incessant pleas for NDP fundraising over the screaming of Gaza's children.
A growing number of Canadians, who support international law, are without place to turn when it comes to federal politicians. "There's barely any daylight between Mulcair and Trudeau and Harper."
Dissent against Israel's attack on Gaza is leaking out in parliaments all over the world, even among the U.K. Conservative Party. But the NDP is becoming isolated among sister left parties, who are not so constrained in condemning the attacks. There seems to be a more restrictive climate within Canadian political parties.
David Heap from Gaza's Ark discusses the growing discontent over the NDP's inaction in calling out Israel's very visible and widely acknowledged war crimes.
David Heap
Gazas Ark
Interview with David Heap
Please Click on the Red Circle with the White Arrow in order to Listen to the Interview