Investigative reports. Former Jersey senator Stuart Syvret. Bristol NHS whistle-blowers get two chances to hold UHB & North Bristol Trusts to account. NATO come to Newport with massive security cordon & presence but are they actually Nazis? Interview with Stuart Syvret, former Senator from Jersey. As a former Minister of Health and Social Services, he discusses child abuse in Jersey, and how there seemed to be a criminal conspiracy to cover it up and silence whistleblowers. How politics works in Jersey, its tax haven status, and how its The City of Londons offshore backyard nicknamed Jersey or Jail. Interview with Daphne Havercroft, from SWWHAG. She discusses the protection of whistleblowers within the NHS: Robert Francis â the freedom to speak up; Doctor Raj Matou on BBC 5Live discusses whistle blowing and blacklisting; legal firms using public money to silence whistle blowers; Code of Conduct for NHS Managers. NATO to Newport: boss of NATO, ...., discussing Ukraine; infiltration of NATO and Russian Military into Ukraine; Maidan coup; MH17 â shots from Ukranian fighter jets which may have downed plane; NATO false flag terrorist operations; early days of NATO.