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State Of The City reports
Adam Curtis BBC iPlayer documentary 'Bitter Lake' released
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 30, 2015, 1:54 p.m.
Investigative reports: Adam Curtis new BBC documentary Bitter Lake about the US and the Saudis. Daphne Havercroft and Christine Townsend tell us who the Merchant Venturers are in Health, Education and elsewhere. South London vicar The Reverend Stephen Sizer, vicar of Christ Church, in Virginia Water, Surrey, links to article Israel Did 9/11, All The Proof In The World with evidence suggesting 9/11 was carried out by the Israelis, so the Anglican church say theyll investigate, Church say unacceptable - Martin says there should be a debate, NATOs Gladio network, false flag terrorism. Bilderberg Group creating a consensus on privatising healthcare? 1967 military coup in Greece supported by NATO. Clip from new documentary by Adam Curtis, Bitter Lake, about Afghanistan – the relationship between United States and Saudi Arabia concerning oil, but Saudi Arabia wanted to keep extremist Wahabi religion, which led to extremist Jihadism: Israel assassinate an Iranian General: Lebanon and Israel gradually escalating Middle East war; ISIS supported by West, Yinon Plan in 1980s – causing strife and civil wars in middle east to save Israel. Bristols Merchant Venturers Bristols elite Merchant Venturers, first the slave trade now schools and hospitals: Interview with Daphne Havercroft, from SWWHAG and Education worker Christine Townsend: Daphne discusses the NHS and the by invitation Merchant Venturers commonly being on NHS boards e.g. Alfred Morris, Peter Rilet, John Savage and Dr Jacqueline Cornish (NHS England) and how public scrutiny is not welcomed by these secretive boards; Academic Health Partnership; Health Science Network: Bristol Health Partnership: Steve West. Academy head Sir Greg Martin on £230,000 salary giving himself 53% pay rise Christine discusses Merchant Venturers on boards of mostly private schools and some Academies – nine schools Dolphin Primary Colston Girls Trust: Trevor Smallwood; Jacqui Cornish; Andrew Yates, Chris Patterson; Andrew Yates, Cathedral Primary and Secondary school: Stephen Parsons; Cathedral School, Bristol Cathedral Canon Treasurer Right Rev. David Hoyle, Cathedral School are attempting to take over parts of Bristol Central Library. Merchants Academy in Withywood: Ross Ansell; Dennis Wise, Patrick Despard; Nick Hood; Laura Marshall; Peter McCarthy; Tony Kenny; Chris Curling. One World Trust academy: John Laycock; Development & Training. Hospitals: Bob McKinley; Louis Sherwood. How are Academies run? Hugh Monroe, same people running school as running sponsoring, Academies stockpiling funds, National Audit Office – accuracy of accounting. James Durie of Business West. Merchant Venturer Colin Skellett is chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Also including clips from documentary Merchant Venturers by James Garrett for HTV West Eye View: one Merchant Venturer on board of 12 charities and 40 trusts, Merchant Venturers and partnerships.

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