Kathy Kelly spoke on October 6, 2015, the eve of the Undrone Upstate Walk, sponsored by Syracuse Peace Council and the Upstate (NY) Drone Action Coalition. This was also 3 days after the US bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
Audio recorded and edited by Wilton Vought (last name rhymes with thought) of Essential Dissent.
If you broadcast this audio, please:
1. Credit Essential Dissent, the Syracuse Peace Council, and the Upstate Drone Action Coalition.
2. Notify Wilton via the Contact Contributor button, or directly: wvought at gmail dot com
Follow the Essential Dissent podcast on iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/yyq9w8sy
Approximate Timeline:
00:00:00 Introduction by Ed Kinane Syracuse NY-based activist with Upstate Drone Action Coalition 00:02:28 Kathy Kelly 00:32:37 Excerpts from the Q&A 00:58:04 End
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