Gordon, author of American Nuremberg, the US Officials [22]Who Should Stand Trial for Post 9/11 War Crimes, (Hot Books, 2016), speaks of her background and influences that led her to write American Nuremberg and call for setting up a public war crimes tribunal along lines of Bertrand Russell Tribunal during Vietnam War; discusses those who came into the GW Bush White House, with Iraq already their target, referring to Wolfowitz and the neocons who wrote the Clean Break paper for Netanyahu who later added other like minds and became PNAC. She describes the water boarding of Abu Zubaydah because of alleged links to Bin Laden, notes that he was CIA asset training mujahadeen against Russians in Afghanistan; describes series of meetings of Cheney with oil chiefs to get support for war but they didn't end up with the oil. In discussion about success of pre-tech anti Vietnam War movement, notes that when Nixon ended the draft, the movement evaporated.