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Program Information
Bristol Broadband Co-operative
Mohammed Bin Salman: Wahhabism was spread at behest of West during Cold War
Weekly Program
Dr Robert Hanson, Andre Vltchek
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 4, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
Dr Robert Hanson is concerned about the new wave of light bulbs. He believes LED is a killer light - whose short wavelength damages both mind and eyes. His PhD is in acoustics and light - the visible light spectrum is under attack by LED lights - Many LEDs also have cameras fitted - Richard visited the factory where the lights were made for the Olympics - every light had a perfect camera fitted - but LEDs main point is their short wavelength screws up the brain - and all LED street lights will have perfect cameras. Robert has written about this and made a TV documentary in Cantonese about it for Hong Kong channel RTHK.
The medical experts who refuse to use low-energy lightbulbs in their homes: Professors have stocked up on old-style bulbs to protect against skin cancer and blindness. So should YOU be worried?
The roll out of LED street lights on cars etc - is all about harming (taking away senses) and monitoring humans.
Problem is people are stuck in one dimensional thought - energy saving and cannot think beyond this to all other characteristics of light.
The ban on incandescent lightbulbs and use of LEDs is also illegal - see Robert s article here:
Richards documentary is here:
This is also a useful reference point:

Andre Vltchek talks to us about his recent trip to the Turkey/Syria border where Free Syrian Army and ISIS irregulars have been trained and infiltrated into Syria by the Western powers to destabilise the country, attempting to overthrow the government of Bashar al Assad. Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman has said Wahhabism was spread at behest of West during Cold War. We also hear how democratic China is, despite being a one party state, and how political parties in the West often create an illusion of democracy, rather than the real thing. We finish by talking about worries in Lebanon that there may be another invasion by Isreal like the previous ones in 1978, 1982, 1993, 1996 and 2006. We also hear that, although its accused of being a terrorist organisation, Hezbollah provides welfare services to the poor and needy in Lebanon.
Andre is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker, investigative journalist, poet, playwright, and photographer. A revolutionary, internationalist and globetrotter who fights against Western Imperialism and the Western puppet regimes imposed on the world.
He covered dozens of war zones and conflicts from Iraq and Peru to Sri Lanka, Bosnia, Rwanda, Syria, DR Congo and Timor Leste.
His latest books are Exposing Lies of the Empire, Fighting Against Western Imperialism and On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare with Noam Chomsky.
Andres website

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