Julian Assanges' dad on the Bill of Rights and its First Amendment Press Freedom, and what those intent on prosecuting his son under the Espionage Act are willing to destroy to prevent people of conscience from revealing Government/Corporate crimes.
He also speaks of the Special Administrative conditions that Julian would be subject to in a maxium security prison should the U.S. get its hands on his son. Recall Former CIA/Secretary of State Mike Pompeo boasting that "I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole" which has been amply demonstrated in the U.S. campaign to destroy Julian Assange.
John Shiption who knew Alex Carey, author of "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda vs Freedom and Liberty" speaks about the role that the U.S. Government/CIA play in subverting humanity to insure control over human beings for maxim exploitation by financial wealth. It is what Alex Cary was warning us about, and what his son Julian had the courage to reveal by publication via Wikileaks. Such whistleblower information, fundamental to citizens for their participation in any democracy, was delivered to the public via a publisher committed to truth; truth exposed by a morally troubled insider willing to risk the Sadism that characterizes the core value of the United States. Chris Hedges expands on it in a recent lecture linked below.
Chris Hedges "American Sadism" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i55yFJd6Lkk
Audio version of "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda vs Freedom and Liberty" https://tucradio.org/catalog/newest-catalog-items/alex-carey-corporations-and-propaganda-part-one-of-two-2/
Audio of Pompeo corrupting the ethics of college graduates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCjWAq7563I