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State Of The City reports
Epstein: Whitney Webb's First Book Is Out, 'One Nation Under Blackmail'
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Oct. 28, 2022, 9:56 p.m.
- UK’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tries to hide his bankster past and was rejected by Tory Party members two months ago
- Rishi Sunak has a family business called Infosys which issues something called the ‘Aadhaar card’, the biggest social credit system in India
- The Covax: UK Government’s ‘Nudge Unit’: Biderman’s Chart of Coercion is used to assess cases of domestic abuse but all lights on the chart ‘flash red’ when applied to the UK government’s Covid policy
- Rishi Sunak also wants to introduce a digital currency called ‘Britcoin’ which is like the Ponzi scheme ‘Bitcoin’
- Brexit, Covid, War and Energy all economically thwarting Britain. Nick Simon runs a Conservative Facebook group ‘17.5 Million Want No Deal’
- Farooq Siddique from the Bristol Pakistan Association joins Tony and Martin to discuss the arrival of the latest Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his links to the Indian sub-continent.
- Sunak answers questions on the NHS he is in the process of destroying.
- Martin and Farooq give examples of long waiting times for ambulances and the sell-off of Bristol ambulance station by Business West boss John Savage
- Guilty: Harry Dunn was killed by a US intelligence service employee Anne Sacoolas who then fled to the United States to avoid trial
- Ex-ONS Jamie Jenkins: High energy prices causing inflation – the UK strategy towards foreign gas to blame
- NY Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay.
- Pakistan's 'Biggest Ever' Funeral, For Assassinated Journalist and ousted PM Imran Khan supporter Arshad Sharif Is Ignored By West's Mass Media
- Politicians behaving like Mafia gangsters running a racket: The west’s ruling elite, which includes Yale World Fellow Bristol mayor Marvin Rees threaten journalists rather than answer awkward questions.
- Martin says Pakistani ISI intelligence services tried to assassinate Benazir Bhutto while she was at Oxford University in the 1970s.
- The ISI hold their first ever press conference and look ‘sheepish’ because they have been undermining Pakistani sovereignty for the United States CIA.
- Stopped by Imran Khan: US drone strikes in Pakistan with funerals and wedding parties regularly targeted killing thousands of innocent Pakistanis
- That Epstein network: Whitney Webb’s First Book Is Out, ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ – detailing the WWII ‘Operation Underworld’
- Meyer Lansky and other branches of the US Mob were brought in to help with the war effort, but then refused to go away.
- The financing of this ‘4th Reich’ mafia by Hitler’s treasurer who survived the war Martin Bormann
- Laundering of the $1bn or so of Nazi loot through the Dulles Brothers’ Sullivan And Cromwell law firm in New York into 750 companies Bormann had created
- Inviting Jews to chair these boards to disguise the Nazi origin of their 4th Reich mafia wealth.
- NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
UK’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tries to hide his bankster past and was rejected by Tory Party members two months ago but is now leader of the party and Prime Minister. Not Democracy. City of London and Markets dictating who runs the country. A ‘technocrat’ PM much like those in other parts of Europe and the US Empire who have been put in place by the oligarchy rather than by the people. Rishi Sunak, latest in an unbroken line of former Goldman Sachs (nicknamed the Vampire Squid) employees to become top policy makers in the Group of Seven economies. Since December 2005 until last Sunday, there has always been a Goldman Sachs alumnus serving as a G-7 prime minister, finance minister or central bank chief. The run was only broken when Mario Draghi stood down Sunday as Italian premier. Rishi Sunak does not put Goldman Sachs on his CV There’s a quip made about ex-Goldman Sachs people that goes something along the lines of, “How can you tell someone used to work for Goldman Sachs? – They’ll let you know themselves within five minutes of meeting them.” Rishi Sunak, the new British prime minister may be just as ebullient about his former employer in person. But when it comes to his CV, Sunak is strangely shtum. Despite working for Goldman Sachs between 2001 and 2004, Sunak doesn’t allude to his Goldman analyst years on his LinkedIn profile. Nor does he mention his subsequent career working for hedge fund TCI fund (The Children’s Investment Fund) or for Theleme Partners, an equity investment firm which he apparently founded himself. All that matters in Rishi’s history is his time in parliament and as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Rishi Sunak has a family business called Infosys which issues something called the ‘Aadhaar card’, the biggest social credit system in India. Sunak Has the Contacts to Implement a Social Credit System. Let’s begin by taking a look at Sunak’s ties with a company called Infosys, a multibillion dollar corporation which is heavily in bed with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Sunak’s father in-law, Narayana Murthy, is an Indian billionaire businessman and is the founder of Infosys and was previously the chairman, CEO, President and chief mentor of the company before he retired in 2011. Once retired, he took the title chairman emeritus. After leaving the company, Murthy’s daughter – Sunak’s wife – Akshata Murthy decided to buy 0.93% shares of the company. In April 2022, the total of her shares was valued at approximately $700 million. One of the projects that Infosys is well known for, is their development of the Aadhaar card, the largest social credit system currently being operated in India. The Aadhaar card is a “12-digit unique identity for every Indian individual, including children and infants and enables identification for every resident Indian”, they also claim that “it is a voluntary service that every resident can avail irrespective of present documentation.” But let’s take a closer look at what it actually does.

The Aadhaar card tracks everything you purchase, your location, what medicines you’ve taken, etc and is essentially (though disguised by the mainstream media) a blatant social credit system, like the one they implemented in China. The Aadhaar card uses algorithms among other pieces of technology to determine if you’re allowed to be in a certain area and whether you are allowed to work, travel, buy food or even get medical treatment. This system worked hand-in-hand with vaccine passports to determine whether you were allowed to travel, buy food, or go to the hospital. Those who aren’t vaccinated or committed a thought crime online would be rendered unable to visit a bar, restaurant or buy food. To enroll yourself onto this scheme, you would be required to have biometric scans of your eyes and your fingerprints, this digital ID would also have to be kept constantly in-date if you wanted your monthly ration of food (typically rice) from the government. You would keep it in-date through your regular inoculations, including boosters, and anything else that was government-mandated.

The Covax: UK Government’s ‘Nudge Unit’: Biderman’s Chart of Coercion is used to assess cases of domestic abuse but all lights on the chart ‘flash red’ when applied to the UK government’s Covid policy. Biderman’s Chart of Coercion: Is COVID being used used to psychologically break the populous and enact total control? Two years into the so-called pandemic, and the playbook seems to keep repeating itself – yet, most people seem unaware that they are living the same Groundhogs Day events over and over, all while being psychologically manipulated to accept total control over their lives. In 1957, Albert D. Biderman, a social scientist with the US Air Force, developed a method of eight chronological general methods of torture that will psychologically break an individual. The chart has been used to physically break the enemy, and gain complete coercive control through “dependency, debility and dread”. Eerily, and probably not coincidently, this chart seems to parallel exactly what is happening throughout the so-called COVID pandemic, almost as if one of the largest phycological warfare campaigns of all time has been declared on the free people of the world!

Current make-up of New Zealand government which is elected via a proportional representation (PR) system. The New Zealand Labour Party (Labour Party) has 64 members of Parliament, 19 elected from the party list and 45 electorate seats. The Green Party of Aotearoa / New Zealand (Green Party) has 10 members of Parliament, 9 from the party list and one electorate seat. The New Zealand National Party (National Party) has 33 members of Parliament, 10 elected from the party list and 23 from electorate seats. The National Party is in Opposition. The ACT Party has 10 members of Parliament, 9 from the party list and one electorate seat. Te Paati Maori has 2 members of Parliament, 1 from the party list and 1 electorate seat.

Journalist Peter Oborne demolishes former Prime Minister Liz Truss for Double Down News (DDN) New Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is a crook who set up a fake medical research charity which has apparently done no research but paid its only member of staff, and former adviser to Jeremy Hunt, Adam Smith £110k salary or two-thirds of the so-called charity’s income. Charity founded by Jeremy Hunt paid 66% of income to chief executive Patient Safety Watch paid Hunt’s former adviser Adam Smith more than £110,000 in year to January A charity founded by the chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, paid more than £110,000 – two-thirds of its income – to his former political adviser Adam Smith, who lost his job over a lobbying scandal. Patient Safety Watch, which was set up to research preventable harm in healthcare, paid Smith as its sole employee and chief executive about 66% of its income in the year ending January 2022. Hunt part funds the charity but it also solicits donations from the public on its website. It was established in 2019 to conduct research, but appears to have produced no papers since then. A message on its website says: “We have an ambitious research programme looking into a wide variety of patient safety issues. We will publish details of our forthcoming research on these pages.” However, the page for reports says: “Our reports will be published here – please check back soon for our first piece of research.” Its main output appears to be a blog and publishing newsletters from Hunt in his capacity as founder and trustee of the charity. The annual accounts explain that the charity chose not to publish its research – some of which has been completed – while the NHS remained under significant Covid-related pressure and it would do so “when the climate is right”. Smith resigned as an adviser to Hunt in 2012, when Hunt was culture secretary, after the Leveson inquiry, over a scandal in which he had exchanged messages with a lobbyist for Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. The company was seeking permission for a takeover of BSkyB (now Sky) at the time, with Hunt in a quasi-judicial role. When Smith stepped down, he said he acted without the authority of his boss and that he had allowed an impression to form of an over-close relationship between News Corp and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Smith is now employed by Hunt as a parliamentary aide, having returned to work for him in 2020.

Rishi Sunak also wants to introduce a digital currency called ‘Britcoin’ which is like the Ponzi scheme ‘Bitcoin’. July 2021 The Britcoin revolution! Rishi Sunak plans to introduce official digital currency to rival cash in ‘biggest upheaval in the monetary system for centuries’. Bank of England would establish a direct digital equivalent to physical money. Supporters say the move will give the economy a boost during a financial crisis. Could slash cost and time it takes to make payments online and transfer money. Cash in people’s pockets would be superseded by a new ‘Britcoin’ digital currency in a plan being pushed by Chancellor Rishi Sunak. In what Treasury insiders say would be the biggest upheaval in the monetary system for centuries, the Bank of England would establish a direct digital equivalent to physical money and take control of it in the same way as sterling. Its supporters in the Treasury say that it would allow the Bank to give the economy a boost in times of financial crisis by paying the ‘Britcoins’ directly into people’s bank accounts. A taskforce of Treasury and Bank officials set up to examine the merits of Britcoin – known as the Central Bank Digital Currency – is expected to report to Mr Sunak by the end of the year It could also slash the cost and time it takes to make payments online and transfer money around the banking system. Britcoin could also cut banking costs dramatically for small firms. However, critics warn that a digital version of the pound could lead to greater financial instability – making it harder for the Bank to regulate the economy with monetary policies such as setting interest rates. There are also fears the introduction of Britcoin would lead to higher loan and mortgage rates as millions of people switched cash to central bank digital currency, eating into the amount of money high street banks have on deposit to lend to borrowers. A taskforce of Treasury and Bank officials set up to examine the merits of Britcoin – known as the Central Bank Digital Currency – is expected to report to Mr Sunak by the end of the year. The Treasury is understood to be more keen than the Bank of England on the idea of creating an official British digital currency to compete with the rise of Bitcoin because they are wary of the huge numbers of people piling into cryptocurrencies. Some investors have lost vast sums as the price of Bitcoin has gyrated wildly.

Owner of Annington Homes (who have about 40 former MoD properties in central Devizes and tens of thousands in other parts of the country empty, which the MoD want to re-nationalise) speaks on BBC Radio 4. It turns out he’s a Remainer who blames everything on Brexit and he supports a United States of Europe which is perhaps why he is so rich since this is what the oligarchy want too. Britain is becoming the “sick man of Europe” and will be forced into a bailout from the IMF unless Brexit is renegotiated, billionaire investor Guy Hands has claimed. Mr Hands, founder of private equity firm Terra Firma and a longtime Conservative supporter, launched a blistering attack on the Government over its handling of the economy. He said a string of mistakes over the last six years had put the UK on the path to becoming a “sick man of Europe”, saying a poorly negotiated Brexit deal was the root cause of current economic woes. He urged ministers to renegotiate the Brexit deal, warning that failing to do so would mean the economy is “frankly doomed”. Asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme what this would mean for businesses and consumers, he warned of “steadily increasing taxes, steadily reducing benefits and social services, higher interest rates and eventually the need for a bailout from the IMF”. The billionaire investor said Britain’s woes predated the market turmoil sparked by Liz Truss’s disastrous tax-cutting mini-Budget, instead blaming Brexit. Mr Hands said Brexiters had a dream of a low-tax, low-benefit economy, but that this “clearly isn’t something that’s acceptable to the British people”. He added: “Once you accept that you can’t actually do that, then the Brexit that was done was completely hopeless and will only drive Britain into a disastrous economic state. “I think if the Tory party can own up to the mistake in how they negotiated Brexit and have somebody leading it that actually has the intellectual capability and the authority to negotiate Brexit, there is a possibility of turning around the economy, but without that the economy is frankly doomed.” Mr Hands said the Tory party had to “move on from fighting its own internal wars and focus on what needs to be done in the economy”. The comments came as Rishi Sunak closed in on Downing Street after Boris Johnson backed out of the race to become prime minister.

Brexit, Covid, War and Energy all economically thwarting Britain. Nick Simon runs a Conservative Facebook group ‘17.5 Million Want No Deal’ and is disgusted that Rishi Sunak, who he suspects of being a Remainer, is Prime Minister against the wishes of the party. He sees the manoeuvrings over the last few months to get a new Tory leader as an anti-Brexit plot and points to the disaster with Northern Ireland still being inside the EU Customs Union and Single Market, as evidence that Brexit has been and is being thwarted by pro-EU forces within the Tory party. This Group is actively campaigning for a NO DEAL WTO BREXIT. We attend every LEAVE MEANS LEAVE event, BRUGES GROUP meeting, and other similar Brexit supporting events. We also campaign outside the Houses of Parliament. This group is open to the public, and we encourage those to join who are in favour of a NO DEAL WTO BREXIT.

Farooq Siddique from the Bristol Pakistan Association joins Tony and Martin to discuss the arrival of the latest Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his links to the Indian sub-continent. Sunak is from a multi-cultural elite of super-rich so he is not exactly ‘celebrating’ the fact that he is the UK’s first South Asian PM. Sunak’s first Prime Minister’s Questions is discussed as is the fact that Al Jazeera English actually carried considerably more of Sunak’s first PMQs live that BBC World! Liz Truss’ decision to allow Fracking is reversed by Sunak. Rishi Sunak Will Be Wealthiest Leader in Democratic World As all eyes turn to Rishi Sunak­, Britain’s next prime minister after the previous leader Liz Truss managed just 44 days in the job­much has been made of his vast personal fortune. The British tabloids have dubbed the politician ‘Rishi Rich,’ a play on the title of the kids’ movie Richie Rich about the world’s wealthiest boy. Sunak, 42, and his heiress wife Akshata Murthy are among the richest people in Britain, and together are worth a cool £730 million ($828 million), according to the Sunday Times Rich List, a ranking system compiled by the newspaper each year. He was the first frontline politician ever to feature on the Rich List since its inception at the end of the 1980s. Sunak, who once worked for Goldman Sachs, made his own fortune as a hedge fund manager and then married Murthy, an Indian heiress who owns shares in Infosys, the company founded by her billionaire father. The couple’s estimated wealth makes them richer than King Charles III, who inherited $500 million when the Queen died­although the royal also owns a portfolio of assets including jewels, art, palaces and land worth $42 billion.

Sunak answers questions on the NHS he is in the process of destroying. Martin and Farooq give examples of ridiculously long waiting times for ambulances and the sell-off of Bristol ambulance station by Business West boss John Savage to sell to his property developer chums and build a high-rise monstrosity on the site of it. Bristol ambulance station has, ever since, been languishing on an industrial estate next to a busy ring-road which makes waiting times even longer. NHS leaders warn Rishi Sunak not to ‘watch while health service crumbles’ NHS Confederation has warned staff are “exhausted” and told the prime minister his tenure could be defined by his response to the threat of industrial action. The organisations called for social care funding and said the £500 million hospital discharge funding, announced by former health secretary Therese Coffey last month, has yet to reach any services. The letter added: “There are 165,000 vacant roles across the social care system in England, which our members and partners tell us are being compounded by poor pay in the sector and are leading to more people choosing to move to more competitive industries.” Recent NHS data showed the cost of fixing the backlog in repairs to hospital buildings now exceeds £10 billion. In a statement responding on behalf of No.10 the Department for Health and Social Care said:“There are over 3,500 more doctors and over 9,100 more nurses working across the NHS compared to last year. It said the government was on track to deliver 50,000 nurses by 2024. However, a previous report by The Independent has revealed NHS modelling this year predicted the target will be missed due to the number of nurses leaving the workforce. The DHSC added: “We have commissioned NHS England to develop a long-term workforce plan to help recruit and retain more staff and have launched a taskforce to increase international recruitment across the system this winter.” The government is yet to confirm whether the long-term workforce plan will be funded.

Harry Dunn who was killed by a US intelligence service employee Anne Sacoolas who then fled to the United States to avoid trial – Anne Sacoolas asked to come to UK for sentencing and show ‘genuine remorse’ for killing Harry Dunn – American citizen Anne Sacoolas has admitted killing 19-year-old Harry Dunn by careless driving outside a Northamptonshire airbase in 2019. She has now been urged to return to Britain to face justice after admitting responsibility for the tragedy and to show “genuine remorse”. Sacoolas, 45, was driving on the wrong side of the road outside RAF Croughton, near Brackley, when she crashed her Volvo and killed the 19-year-old motorcyclist in August 2019. As wife of a diplomat on the base, Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity asserted on her behalf by the US government and was able to leave the UK 19 days after the incident. However, in December 2019, the Crown Prosecution Service authorised Northamptonshire Police to charge her with causing Mr Dunn’s death by dangerous driving. After years of bargaining between the US and UK governments, Sacoolas finally appeared before a UK court in September 2022, where the judge sent the case to the Old Bailey. On Thursday, October 20, she attended the Old Bailey by video link from Washington DC. During the hearing, she pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of causing Mr Dunn’s death by careless driving. Prosecutor Duncan Atkinson KC said the plea was accepted by the Crown following consultation with Mr Dunn’s family and consideration at the “highest level”. He added the Crown would not be pursuing the charge of causing death by dangerous driving. Mr Atkinson recognised that driving on the wrong side of the road put at risk a vulnerable road user such as a motorcyclist and could amount to dangerous driving. But the fact the offender was “an overseas national without experience of driving on the roads of this country” was a factor in considering her culpability. The prosecutor said Mr Dunn’s family had been consulted throughout. He said: “The prosecution has taken account of that and of the mitigation available to this defendant and the balance of the interests of justice. “The plea that has been entered was one indicated at magistrates’ court and indicated indeed before that as being offered by the defendant. It has been considered at the very highest level and with the very greatest care and with close consultation with Harry’s family.” Adjourning sentencing until next month, Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb told Sacoolas that although she could not compel her to face justice in person, it would provide “weighty evidence” of “genuine remorse”. She urged Sacoolas to come to the UK to be sentenced in person, but admitted she had no power to force her. Mrs Cheema-Grubb said the offence of causing death by careless driving carried a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment with a range of options from a medium-level community order to three years in custody. The judge also addressed the unusual way the hearing had been conducted with the defendant appearing from the United States, as defendants are normally required to submit themselves to the court in person. She said: “The fact that the defendant could not be compelled to attend court in person means there was no other way to obtain her plea to the charges. It was in the interests of justice in the particular circumstances of this case to grant a live link for this hearing. “That is no reason in itself to grant a live link for sentence. Although I have not yet decided what sentence to impose, I very much have in mind the submissions as to the sentencings. “Ms Sacoolas is a convicted offender and a consideration of the interests of justice now must include the ability to enforce any sentence or any ancillary order I impose. Any sentence I impose is likely to be unenforceable while the defendant remains outside the UK. “I have to consider the reason why the defendant does not attend court in person. Alongside an early guilty plea one of the most powerful mitigating factors in cases of death by driving is the degree of remorse felt by the defendant. “Attention has been rightly drawn to the remorse by Ms Sacoolas in co-operating with these proceedings at all. Despite her conviction today, there is no order I can make to compel her at the Central Criminal Court for sentence. “I direct Ms Sacoolas attend court to be sentenced. If the sentence… is one that does not involve immediate custody there is to be no barrier to her returning home after the hearing.” The judge reminded the court that the case concerned the “sudden and unexpected” death of a young man three years ago. She added: “Attendance would provide weighty evidence indeed of genuine remorse.” Speaking outside court, Mr Dunn’s mother Charlotte Charles told the PA news agency: “I do very much hope that she listens to the judge’s words and makes the effort to come back because that will truly show us all how remorseful she is. It’s all well and good saying you’re sorry, but demonstrating you are is another matter.” Harry’s father Tim Dunn added: “Anne will do what Anne will do – it’s up to her what she does. But I would urge her on behalf of my entire family to do the right thing and come back for the sentencing hearing.” Sacoolas, who wore a white blouse with dark hair tied back, appeared composed throughout the hearing. She acknowledged that she understood after Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb also imposed an interim driving ban and ordered a pre-sentence report to be prepared. She only briefly appeared flustered when she mistakenly entered a not guilty plea to the lesser charge before quickly correcting herself. Sentencing will be fixed at the Old Bailey in the week of November 28.

Labour MP Richard Burgeon lays into Sunak pointing out that it would take a nurse 20,000 years to earn the wealth that Sunak has accumulated as part of the Western oligarchy who avoid paying tax. Rishi Sunak’s vast wealth would buy more than 300,000,000 free school meals – Rishi Sunak’s ‘lavish’ wealth would buy almost 300 million free school meals for children experiencing financial hardship, research shows. The new prime minister is being urged to take measures that would provide billions of pounds to help the poorest in society at a time when the winter is expected to intensify the cost of living crisis. A Labour MP’s figures show that the estimated £730 million fortune he has amassed along with his wife, Akshata Murthy, would buy 298,755,187 meals based on published government costs. The numbers were revealed as the cost of living crisis continues to escalate, with official figures showing huge year-on-year leaps in the price of basic goods such as tea, chips and pasta. Mr Sunak, who has acknowledged the ‘profound’ challenges facing the nation, which also include soaring fuel bills, is under pressure from campaigners to do more to ease the burden on ordinary people. Labour MP Richard Burgon told ‘We now have the richest man in parliament leading a government that plans to slash our public services. That’s clearly the wrong choice to be making. ‘The prime minister knows from his own lavish lifestyle that, unlike everyone else, the super-rich are easily able to afford to pay more in taxes.

Former head of health at the National Office of Statistics, Jamie Jenkins, explains what is behind the rise in inflation pinning it both to the increase in gas and oil prices as well as Wall Street’s hiking of their interest rates in an attempt to draw money over to the United States for a better return on investment. UK inflation back to double-digits as price rises hit 10.1% The increase in the cost of living jumped more than expected to a 40-year high Food and energy bills were the main drivers with the former soaring by 14.5% compared to last September September’s figures are important because of their benchmarking to the state pension and some benefits Food and drink price inflation has hit its highest level since April 1980. Photo: Frank Augstein Inflation in the UK has risen to 10.1% as the cost of living crisis continues to squeeze households, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The inflation figure for September has returned to July’s high of 10.1%. This set a 40-year record because the last time it had gone over 10% was in February 1982 when it reached 10.2%. The price rises were driven up by the surge in gas and electricity bills over the last year, and the jump in food and drink costs. This is a slight increase from August when it was 9.9% and just above forecasts of 10%. On a monthly basis, consumer prices rose by 0.5% in September, which is the same as in August. Inflation is the increase in price of something over time. For example, if a bottle of milk costs £1 one year and £1.10 the next year, then that’s an annual inflation rate of 10%.

High energy prices causing inflation – the UK strategy towards foreign gas to blame The UK’s reliance on gas to generate electricity has gone from 0.6% in 1986 to 40% in 2021 Over the past 30-40 years, the UK has moved away from coal to create electricity, replacing it with mainly gas and renewables. But renewables have increased nowhere near enough to power the UK, leaving the UK reliant on gas to create 40% of the UK’s electricity, driving high energy prices. From 1995 to 2004, North Sea gas was enough to provide the gas contribution to power the National Grid. But since 2005, the UK has increased imports with 2021 seeing imports exceeding domestic production for the first time. As UK households see record energy bills, and they are set to rise further this Autumn, the UK’s increasing shift towards foreign gas for electricity is a key factor behind record bills. Back in 1986, two-thirds of UK electricity generation came from coal, with 20% from nuclear, 10% from oil, and 0.6% from gas. Fast forward to 2021 and the clamor for cleaner energy, just 2% of electricity generation came from coal, 40% from gas, 38% from renewables, and 15% from nuclear.

NY Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay. – NY SUPREME COURT: “Being vaccinated does not prevent contracting or transmitting COVID-19” | Remnant Newspaper via FoxNews | The New York state Supreme Court has reinstated all employees who were fired for not being vaccinated, ordering back pay and saying their rights had been violated. The court found Monday that “being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19.” New York City Mayor Eric Adams claimed earlier this year that his administration would not rehire employees who had been fired over their vaccination status. NYC alone fired roughly 1,400 employees for being unvaccinated earlier this year after the city adopted a vaccine mandate under former Mayor Bill de Blasio. Many of those fired were police officers and firefighters.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Farooq turns to Pakistan – assassination in Kenya of Pakistani journalist, Arshad Sharif who supported ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan. All censored in NATO mass media so The Dawn, Express Tribune and Bol News are where to follow what’s going on in nuclear armed Pakistan. We get the latest on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s bid to return. He was ousted by the CIA using bribery of his ruling People’s Party MPs after refusing to ostracise the Russians at the time of the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Lies upon lies told by the Kenyan police about the assassination of Arshad Sharif who they say died in a ‘accident’ in various different cars and for different supposed reasons and the Kenyan police are clearly lying to the world after carrying out a murder for the CIA who oppose Imran Khan. We discuss the funeral of Arshad which took place today and why, despite being one of the biggest funerals in Pakistani history with tens of thousands attending, there was no coverage whatsoever in the UK mass media for the 1.2 million ex-pat Pakistani community who live in the UK. Khan himself is just beginning a ‘long march’ to Islamabad with many thousands of his supporters.

Arshad’s death : DG ISPR said the provincial government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) had issued a threat letter, on the directives of the provincial executive, on August 5 which claimed that the militant Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) group was planning to target the journalist in Rawalpindi. He added that no information was shared with the federal government or the agencies regarding “who” provided the information to the provincial government or “why”. “This implies that the threat alert was issued with a specific thought, which perhaps had the objective of making Arshad Sharif leave the country,” said Gen Babar. “There were reports that he [Arshad] did not want to leave the country but was constantly reminded that his life was in danger.” Revealing more details, he said that PTI leader Shahbaz Gill, on August 8, gave a statement on ARY News on the country’s institutions, for which he was condemned and arrested. He added that ARY News senior staffer Ammad Yousaf was also arrested and during the investigation, it was revealed that the CEO of the news channel had asked Ammad to send Arshad abroad following Gill’s arrest. “During this time, a narrative was formed that Arshad Sharif would be murdered abroad,” he said, adding that a ticket for Arshad was booked for Dubai by an employee of the ARY Group. “On August 10, he [Arshad] left Peshawar airport through PK-637 for Dubai and during his departure, the authorities did not try to stop Arshad Sharif,” he said, adding that the journalist was provided “complete protocol” by the K-P government and he remained in the UAE “until he held a valid visa”. The military spokesperson reiterated that the journalist was not “forced” to leave Dubai at the governmental level and asked who could have urged Arshad to leave the country. He also questioned as to who looked after the slain journalist’s stay in the Gulf country and told him repeatedly to leave for Kenya. “He left for Kenya when the visa expired,” Gen Babar said and added that there were 34 countries with visas on arrival for Pakistani passports, so why Kenya was chosen as a destination. Gen Babar raised further questions regarding the journalist’s stay in the east African country and who was hosting him. “Who was he in contact within Pakistan and what role do Waqar and Khurram Ahmad play in his death?” “Did they know Arshad from before, or did someone get them in touch? Some people also claimed meeting Arshad Sharif in London, who were these people, and who asked them to make such claims?”

Politicians behaving like Mafia gangsters running a racket: The west’s ruling elite, which includes Yale World Fellow Bristol mayor Marvin Rees threaten journalists because they prefer to abuse their power rather than answer awkward questions. Bristol Local Democracy Reporter Alex Seabrook was banned by mayor Marvin Rees from press conferences so other news outlets in Bristol such as the BBC, ITV and The Bristol Post boycotted the press conferences in solidarity with bullied Alex. US journalist Tucker Carlson on Fox News was threatened by the National Security Agency (NSA) when he revealed SARS-Cov-2 or Covid-19 was a man made bioweapon produced in the Wuhan lab by the Pentagon and the Chinese authorities in collaboration with each other. Now ITV joins BBC and local media in boycotting ‘woke’ Bristol Council after it banned reporter who questioned its Labour mayor’s 9,000-mile round-trip to speak at climate conference Reporter Alex Seabrook was banned after his questions were called ‘illegitimate’ Mayor Rees travelled 9,000 miles by plane to Canada to give 14-minute TED talk Bristol Council have now banned Local Democracy Reporters from meetings However the press have condemned this move and boycotted Bristol council ITV has joined the BBC in boycotting Bristol Council’s mayoral briefings after the council banned a local reporter for asking the Labour politician if he saw the irony in flying to Canada to give a short speech on climate change. Local Democracy Reporter (LDR) Alex Seabrook, whose who works for the BBC and the Bristol Live website, asked Mayor Rees whether he could instead have done the 14-minute TED talk via Zoom. In a clip which has now gone viral, Mr Seabrook was interrupted by a press officer who questioned whether he should be allowed to ask this question.

Pakistani ISI intelligence services tried to assassinate Benazir Bhutto while she was at Oxford University in the 1970s. The ISI hold their first ever press conference and look ‘sheepish’ because they have been undermining Pakistani sovereignty for the United States CIA. Flanked by chief military spokesperson Lt-Gen Babar Iftikhar, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Director General Lt-Gen Nadeem Anjum spoke about closed-door discussions between the military leadership and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan. Gen Nadeem also made startling revelations that how Imran, in order to save his government, offered Chief of Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa to continue as the army chief for an indefinite period, which Gen Bajwa refused. He went on to say that the real reasons behind the former prime minister’s outburst against the military leadership was that Gen Bajwa and his institution refused to play any unconstitutional role. In their press talk, the DGs of the ISI and the ISPR also dilated on the cipher controversy, the alleged US conspiracy, secret meetings with Imran and the allegations related to the killing of prominent journalist Arshad Sharif. Since his appointment as the head of Pakistan’s premier spy agency, Gen Nadeem kept a low profile and stayed away from the limelight. But on Thursday, he became the first spymaster to address a live news conference. At the auditorium of the General Headquarters (GHQ), the journalists were stunned, while the ISPR DG announced at the end of his opening remarks that the DG ISI would also join the news conference.

US drone strikes have been a horrifying phenomenon over the last twenty years or so in Pakistan with funerals and wedding parties regularly targeted killing thousands of innocent Pakistanis without warning or any chance to surrender. he ‘double-tap’ strike means that around an hour after the initial attack as rescuers and medics are trying to help the injured and dying the US hits the target with another strike, finishing off some of the most severely injured by te first attack and killing and severely wounding these medics and others who have come to try to save the lives of the initially injured. The UN and peace group shave pointed out that these US ‘double tap drone strikes are some of the greatest crimes against humanity and acts of pure evil which have ever taken place on earth. Since Imran Khan came to power the drone strikes were halted. Now, since he was ousted in the spring of 2022 drone strikes have resumed again. US Condemns ‘Double Tap’ Terror Strikes, But Is It Obama Policy To Do The Same Thing? [2013] Known as the “double tap,” the U.S. often launches second drone strikes on an area after rescue teams have arrived to help the wounded and remove the dead, according to Greenwald. Double taps usually involve bombing multiple targets in relatively quick succession. While the mainstream American media has failed to highlight the United States’ hypocritical stance on the use of this military strategy, the issue has once again resurfaced after a July 2013 report from Reuters found that double-tap tactics are commonly used in the U.S. drone war. The Reuters report said that after a drone strike killed at least 17 people in Pakistan earlier this month, rescuers delayed going to the scene of the strike “for fear of falling victim to a second attack, a common tactic with drone strikes.” The FBI classifies secondary strikes as a terrorist tactic because it invokes fear in the population. “The problem [with secondary strikes],” said Jack Spencer of the Heritage Foundation, “is that once the initial explosion goes off, many people believe that’s it, and will respond accordingly.” He added that the goal of double-tap strikes is to “incite more terror.” “If there’s an initial explosion and a second explosion, then we’re thinking about a third explosion,” Spencer said. In a 2012 report from the New York University School of Law and Stanford Law School, researchers spent nine months interviewing more than 130 victims, witnesses and medical experts. The report documented firsthand accounts of just how harmful these double-tap strikes were to rescuers and humanitarian workers. Faheem Qureshi was the only person to survive the Obama administration’s first drone strike in North Waziristan, Pakistan. The region is near the Afghanistan border and has one of the highest poverty rates in the world. “Usually, when a drone strikes and people die, nobody comes near the bodies for half an hour because they fear another missile will strike,” he said, according to the report. Qureshi added that he likely would not be alive today if he had not been able to get himself out of the rubble because rescuers would have waited too long to help for fear they would be killed.

That Epstein network: Whitney Webb’s First Book Is Out, ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ – detailing the WWII ‘Operation Underworld’ where Meyer Lansky and other branches of the US Mob were brought in to help with the war effort, but then refused to go away. Post-war rise of a US Government Crime Family which manifested in 2019/2020 with the Jeffery Epstein revelations. Whitney Alyse Webb One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth, and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections.

The financing of this financial ‘4th Reich’ mafia by Hitler’s treasurer who survived the war Martin Bormann and the laundering of the $1bn or so of Nazi loot through the Dulles Brothers’ Sullivan And Cromwell law firm in New York into 750 companies Bormann had created then inviting Jews to chair these boards to disguise the Nazi origin of their wealth. These businesses grew steadily becoming more and more acquisitive and aggressive in dominating the markets they were in. The creation of terror through little-known ‘protected’ Satanic Nazi groups such as The Order Of The Nine Angles (O9A) which encourages terrorism, rape and murder is based in the UK but has not been legally proscribed by the British government.

The Traitors Of Arnhem – Bilderberg origins – Allied/Nazi treachery in the endgame of World War Two – by Tony Gosling (100 pages) Sept 1944 ‘Bridge Too Far’ Arnhem battle and bringing of Hitler’s treasurer Martin Bormann to England in May 1945 at the end of WWII Key pro-Nazis in 1930s England were Edward VIII and Bank of England governor Montague Norman. Field Marshal Montgomery’s concept behind MARKET-GARDEN was a sound one, to obtain a bridgehead over the Lower Rhine would have seeded panic in German defences and supply lines, and by directly threatening Germany’s industrial heartland, likely brought the war to a speedy conclusion. However, several enormous operational errors, which in light of more recent events may be considered sabotage, diverted field officers and the overall operation from the original plan. The Traitors Of Arnhem takes the reader through the solid evidence that the Battle of Arnhem, Operation Market Garden, was ‘thrown’, deliberately, by senior British commanders, in order to buy the Nazis time to complete financial deals with the Allies that had been in train at least since a secret meeting, revealed here, since the previous month. On the military, political and financial trail we follow the cover-up of the subsequent snatching by Royal Navy commandos in the last days of the war, of British agent and Adolf Hitler’s private secretary Martin Bormann, Alongside other Allied/Nazi deals too, such as the smuggling by submarine of enriched Uranium from the Nazi stores to be incorporated into the Manhattan Project, evidence of which has only emerged in the final decade of the twentieth century. The culprits are identified for eleven operational ‘mistakes’, all of which decreased Market Garden’s chances of succeeding. Nevertheless, due to the ferocious courage of PIR 504 of the US 82nd Airborne div the operation nearly succeeded and had to be deliberately scuppered in what must be one of the most treacherous decisions in military history….
This Week’s Ukraine War Extras

Scott Ritter on NATO Nuclear Exercise ‘Steadfast Noon’ – courtesy of Ania K44

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine War at Valdai discussion Club
#1 Complete 3hr 20m Show NTBCFMPS 28Oct22 03:20:00
#2 FULL Whitney Webb One Nation Under Blackmail Financial Rebellion 06Oct22 01:00:00
#3 FULL Nick Simon Tory 17.5m Want No Deal Facebook Group 00:15:00
#4 FULL Matthew Tye LaoWhy86 How Does Chinas Social Credit System Work 00:15:00
#5 FULL Jamie Jenkins on Inflation and Wales TalkTV19Oct22 00:15:00
#6 FULL Guy Hands Annington Homes Chief BBC R4 Today Mon24Oct22 00:05:00
#7 FULL Peter Oborne Demolishes Liz Truss for Double Down News (DDN) 00:10:00
#8 FULL Scott Ritter Russian Victory in Ukraine a Defeat For NATO Abel Archer 1983 Nuclear Exercises Belarus and Poland Ania K44 01:00:00
#9 FULL Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine War Valdai Discussion Club Oct 2022 03:20:00

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