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Program Information
Class War Battlefield Podcast
Vphiamer Adis (Host), Others
 Mahoka Mwako Asili Temple  Contact Contributor
March 3, 2024, midnight
Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.26.00. Immigration, the Contradictory belief held by so many WEAPs, #Immigration, #EllisIsland, #ClimateChange
With Clips from Dixon White, Crash Course, Mr. Burnett's Social Studies Classes, ABA Immigration, CNBC Television, CBS News, KHOU 11, KTLA 5, Reuters, Txcomptroller & KXAN

So this is another episode I recorded for 2023 but didn’t have time to release it. Obviously you can tell by the title, this episode surrounds immigration. Allowing the focus of the episode to develop slowly; I sought to explain to the listener a few topics which would help them understand immigration as an outlet for Capital exploitation. Beginning with a topic seldom mentioned in historical context, that being the role of the Negro in regulating domestic wages; I use this as a springboard to discuss the hypocrisy of the White Working classes obsession with stopping the illegals from taking their jobs, a hypocrisy which resulted in that class attacking the non-white instead of attacking those who benefitted from putting them into the positions they found themselves in – namely the bosses and operators of the businesses. Here is the central pillar to this entire immigration controversy; Capitalists like immigration because the desperation of the immigrants encourages them to take jobs at a much lower pay rate than the domestic workers who would otherwise populate the job. These domestic workers, in the United States they are white (the phrase Working Class omits this fact, though arguments including the phrase are targeted at a white audience), do not find fault with the managers and bosses who use the immigrants as economic pawns, instead they act as if they are subjects of the Kings and Princes of the Industry they work in, attacking the “outsiders” as if they were invaders on their lordships lands. I know this is an odd way to explain this contradiction, but the history of Capitalism invites this interpretation; a long time ago (about 120-150 years ago) people who had complete command of their business sector were literally called Titans (Gods) or Lords or in rare cases Kings, likening their wealth and prestige to that gathered by their feudal counterparts in a bygone era. If the descriptive were apt and applied throughout the entire business enterprise; the domestic workers would be their subjects (but you already knew this). The reason I wanted to emphasize this is because I have heard economists address the idea that Capitalism had commonalities with Feudalism; just about all were dismissive of the idea; this concept sort of bites back at their rebuff. But this episode is not about proving or disproving this connection. Immigration, in a “healthy” functioning Capitalist society is a net good because it creates a labor surplus and that surplus enables “competition” between the laboring class to remain high, thus encouraging lower wages from the owners of industries. Immigration, therefore is preferable in a Capitalist society, exactly because it is not beneficial to the masses of laboring domestic citizens. As you dive into this episode this point will be drawn out significantly, allowing the listener to see the “immigration crisis” through another perspective and lens. I suspect I will come back to this topic before the end of this year (2024), as the topic is evolving and changing in a way which further comments will likely be necessary. Hope you enjoy the episode.
To Donate to CWB – (CashApp – $CWBPodcast) (Paypal – CWBPodcast); Give as little as $5 a month to help me continue to produce these regularly!
Music Used in the opening, Curtis Mayfield’s Think, Brandy’s The Definition and Marvin Gaye’s Inner City Blues or Michael Jackson’s They Don’t Really Care About Us. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me at
Find Every 2023 Episode Published on my CWB Podcast Blog

Link to the Complete History of Rome Series by Michael Duncan -
Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.26.00 References
01:12 – CWB Opening Note
[CLIP 01 – 05:55 mark – Date Originated: June 26th, 2019]
"Damn illegals" and the tots and pears f**kers/ Dixon White -
[CLIP 02 – 10:21 mark – Date Originated: August 15th, 2013]
Growth, Cities, and Immigration: Crash Course US History #25/ Crash Course -
[CLIP 03 – 22:01 mark – Date Originated: March 21st, 2021]
Early 19th Century Immigration/ Mr. Burnett's Social Studies Classes -
[CLIP 04 – 43:59 mark – Date Originated: May 26th, 2021]
Climate Change and the Impact on U.S. Immigration and Asylum Law Webinar/ ABA Immigration -
[CLIP 05 – 51:32 mark – Date Originated: February 29th, 2024]
Biden delivers remarks on immigration during visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas—2 29 24/ CNBC Television -
[CLIP 06 – 01:03:59 mark – Date Originated: December 21st, 2023]
Chicago faces influx of migrants as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sends asylum seekers north/ CBS News -
[CLIP 07 – 01:10:28 mark – Date Originated: April 06th, 2022]
Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas will send migrants to Washington, D.C., on charter buses/ KHOU 11 -
[CLIP 08 – 01:13:15 mark – Date Originated: June 15th, 2024]
Texas governor sends busload of migrants to Los Angeles/ KTLA 5 -
[CLIP 09 – 01:16:31 mark – Date Originated: September 15th, 2022]
Florida and Texas governors send immigrants to Martha's Vineyard/ CNBC Television -
[CLIP 10 – 01:20:13 mark – Date Originated: August 05th, 2022]
Texas governor sends migrants to New York/ Reuters -
[CLIP 11 – 01:22:13 mark – Date Originated: January 09th, 2023]
The 2024-25 Texas Biennial Revenue Estimate/ Txcomptroller -
[CLIP 12 – 01:31:37 mark – Date Originated: March 21st, 2023]
Where did Texas’ record budget surplus come from/ KXAN -
2:15:05 – CWB Note on the References
2:20:41 – REFERENCES

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