Computing the enigmatic life of Alan Turing; tiny Liechtenstein toasts the New Year with marriage equality, Lithuania’s top court strikes down the Eastern European nation’s “no promo homo” law, China cracks down on gay erotic fiction online, the alleged “gay travel agent” caught up in Moscow queer nightspot raids dies in prison, and queer U.S. vets win the right to upgraded discharges. Those stories and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”.
Hosted this week by Brian DeShazor and produced with Lucia Chappelle & Greg Gordon. NewsWrap reporters: Michael LeBeau & Ava Davis, produced by Brian DeShazor, with production assistance by Daniel Huecias. “The Enigmatic Life of Alan Turing” was written & produced by Hugh Young. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Cat Stevens, Pet Shop Boys, Electric Light Orchestra. Now in our 36th year satisfying your weekly minimum requirement of LGBTQ news and culture!
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