Our guest is Sharen Sierra King - Journalist, public speaker and former radio host as well as a resident of Lincoln Heights Ohio...the place that is making national headlines for the Nazi demonstrations and the community response.
In the first half of the show, we talk about the original march by the Nazis on the town of Lincoln Heights. We discuss the timing of the demonstration as well as the emboldening of the far right by the current administration.
In the second half of the show, we discuss Lincoln Height’s response to the Nazi demonstrations, and how these actions can be replicated if necessary in communities around the country. We also discuss other ways people can—if necessary—resist the forces of this administration .
Our Way Black History Fact covers how Black servicemen returning from WWII were systematically denied their benefits from the G.I Bill.
Ramses Ja and Q Ward
Broadcasting the Balance. Defending the Discourse.
Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show created to foster allyship for social justice. Hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward, this show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with diverse populations across the country. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse.