Blankfort cites earlier visits to Lebanon; PNAC founder Robert Kagan, Hillary Clinton, foreign policy adviser's call for invasion of Syria in WSJ; his ridiculing US trauma over Iraq, blaming Europeans for that; quotes Hillary's speech to CFR linking ISIS to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran, and consulting Israel, referring, like Kagan, to Saudis as allies; quotes TIME mag reference to long time Saudi support for jihadists; cites Turkey's support for ISIS and use of NATO-membership to down Russian fighter; speaks of Holland's desire for coalition with Russia, aborted in Washington, ex-Mossad chief's call to Dresdenize ISIS run locales; Netanyahu's demand that US accept expansion of West Bank settlement blocs, while cabinet announces 5 new towns in Bedouin Negev; his welcoming of release of Israeli spy. Pollard.